Thursday, 3 December 2015

Making progress and feeling proud...

So I started placement on. A surgical unit two weeks ago now and it's going great, it's very different to what I'm used to and at times it's difficult because I'm unsure of routines and how things are done but my mentor and all the staff on the unit in general have been friendly and willing to show me where things are and how to do things properly. Anyone who knows me will know I'm not shy when it comes to asking questions so that probable worked in my favour a little bit. 

My first day was the most nerve wracking I think. Not knowing anyone or what to expect and obviously having worked with nurses for the past few years as a health care assistant hearing about their experiences both good and bad was colouring my opinions and expectations. The most challenging thing for me is feeling so unsure of myself almost like I'm second guessing what I'm doing quite a lot. Take for example the matron/ ward manager asking me to handover to her about the patients my team was looking after. It was pretty intimidating to me which is silly considering I've been present and contributed in countless handovers. And I needn't have been worried because she said herself I was very thorough then proceeded to get me handover most shifts. I don't mind I'm getting more comfortable with that. 

I feel like I've learnt loads in just 2 weeks and developed new skills, that on top on get my anatomy and physiology results and finding out I got 87% overall for the module (94% for the workbook and 80% for the exam) has boosted my confidence a little bit. I'm starting to organise some spoke placements for the next few weeks (day visits to related areas) so have done an application to spend a day in theatre, tried to book onto a wound care course and will be spending the day with one of the breast cancer physiotherapist next Wednesday in the pre-op clinic. 

I'm trying not to ramble on but I'm honestly enjoying feeling like I'm a step closed to being qualified and so despite being tired and busy and occasionally feeling a bit lost I'm excited to go in everydayand see  something new or different. I really hope I get this much out of all my placements.

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