By the time 2014 rolled around I knew with complete certainty I wanted to become a nurse and after completing both level 2 and 3 diplomas in health and social care as well as a BTEC in team leading I was ready to get some more experience closer to hospital setting. So I Used NHS jobs and applied for everything I could in order to get the experience and finally received a notification inviting me to and interview with Spiral Health CIC for there new nurse-led unit that would be within Royal Preston Hospital.

After a quick Google found that they had two established units already at Bispham and Rossal and that the mostly dealt with rehabilitation. After checking out the website I discovered the words 'person-centred' a number of times and thought it sounded perfect for me so I accepted the interview and after attending, I was offered a full time post as a health care assistant.

I was to start a training week at the education centre at RPH in February 2015. Since then, I have continued to work for them, attended training and really enjoyed the atmosphere and person-centred attitude. I have learnt so much working alongside the nurses, physiotherapists and occupation therapists that work on the unit. So, when the opportunity arose for me to express my interest in pursuing a nursing course, I must have talked the ears off anyone that would listen about how much i wanted to do it. (no joke.. my poor colleagues).
I finally received word that i would have an interview day (including maths ans English tests) at RPH on the 29th May. I was soo excited (and terrified). When the day rolled around my stomach was doing flips the whole journey to the hospital. I first of all had an interview with a panel comprising and the programme lead, my personal tutor (Maddy), the head of placement and student support, one of the board of directors and Lesley who works for spiral health as a sister. By this point I was feeling the
pressure. They introduced themselves and started asking me about the role of a nurse as well as some questions about scenarios and current issues affecting nursing.. I've never been soo happy to be a natural geek because I did some research beforehand looked up the NHS constitution.. memorised the 6 C's, looked at a few articles and used knowledge from my qualifications. Being honest coming out of that room I thought I had done terrible. Everyone knows what its like. The minute they stop with questions you think of
better answers. Afterwards I went of and met Claire (clinical nurse tutor) who set me up doing my tests (the part I was least anxious about) I wasn't so scared of this art because i knew I could do Maths and had brushed up a bit.
After finishing these i thought I'd have to wait at least a few weeks to find out which was kind of a downer for me as I desperately wanted to know if I got in, luckily they called me back in and I can just remember them asking me how I thought I did and I was thinking of a way to say not my best, when I looked over at Lesley who was just smiling and felt hopeful. They told me I was accepted and I think I might have squealed I was soo happy.
Me and Lesley walked over to the Spiral unit and I thought i could pretend I didn't get it but I was soo happy I couldn't stop smiling.. hugged just about everyone and possibly jumped up and down.

A few weeks later I met Tracey (our CEO) for an informal chat about how the secondment would work (what my obligations to them were and what I would expect from them). I discovered they would fund my tuition fees for the full 3 years of the course and be on hand to help and support if I was struggling and I would receive a partial salary as well as some help with purchasing learning materials... and I had to agree to carry on working for then for 3 years following the completion of my training (a guaranteed job and a nursing degree) quite honestly I couldn't believe my luck. The fact that they had the faith in me to do all this was a massive boost for me and gave me even more motivation to do well.
I still can't believe it.
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