Monday, 18 July 2016

Proved wrong

Well today has truely been way busier than i expected and a little challenging at times, i started my third and final placement of third year and although we are told to not male assumptions of what it's like to work on certain areas. I can say I did.

And Ive been happily proved wrong. I assumed that endoscopy would mostly be taking obs, which is important o know and is a skill which I should keep on use.

And looking at people's bottoms.. How wrong I was.

I had a lovely calm morning spent getting orientated to the ward and working in recovery taking clinical observations and going through my pad document with my mentor.

After lunch we went to day case theatre where they perform bronchoscopys on patients who cannot tolerate the procedure with sedation. I found it really informative. The anesethic nurse decided to quiz me on Anatomy and physiology..

Luckily I had a good tutor and most of it stuck.

Then we had an elderly gentleman who was responding normally one minute and the next his oxygen saturation where at 60%. The staff where quick to act and calm and got me involved too. I was asked to perform a jaw thrust on the patient to help open his airway.

I felt pretty proud of myself foe assisting although it was a small thing I did it was worthwhile and I was part of the team.

This placement is probably going to teach me way more than I expected.