Thursday, 17 December 2015

Halfway through placement

So this is officially the halfway point in my first placement and as far as I'm concerned it couldn't be going any better. 

The sheer amount of knowledge and skills I have picked up is pretty amazing to me I never would've believed anyone if they told me I would be able to assist with removing drains or clips or cannulas or anything besides little dressings. My mentor and the other nurses have been so patient and informative about how to do things and why they do procedures a certain way. I feel like I could confidently explain some of them which is mad considering it's been 3 and a half weeks.

The ward is fast paced and as a staff nurse it would appear it requires a lot of multi tasking and being pretty vigilant but there is such a good team atmosphere and it's really put me at ease and brought me out of my shell although occasionally I feel like I'm asking silly obvious questions. 

Yesterday I spent the morning in theatre and found it really interesting, I watched a sentinel lymph node biopsy. The consultant was very friendly and informative. He talked me through what he was going to do and why and explained things while he was doing it. I found it really interesting actually getting to see what lymph nodes looked like as well as the layers of skin the go though. On the massive plus side I didn't knock anything over, faint or say anything really stupid (apparently not uncommon with students).

Although it was really interesting and I would definitely go back to theatre to watch other procedures given the chance. I enjoy talking to patients too much and being able to care for them when they are conscious, the theatre nurses seem like they could teach you a lot and hopefully at some point in the three years I'll have a placement there. 

I've arranged a few more spoke days as well, I'm spending a day with the infection control nurse, the case manager and a day at the beast clinic. I'm really trying to make the most of the placement and learn as much as I can. I guess because I'm enjoying the ward and the experiences it's just motivating me more to do well within the course. 

Really want to know where my next placement is too hopefully we find out soon!