Monday, 21 September 2015

So my first week as a student nurse kind of went by in a blur and was definitely slightly overwhelming. After all it is what I've been working towards for the past few years after starting work as a care assistant back in 2012...

The night before just about anything important I do and (especially this) I get a serious care of butterflies, so its understandable that come Monday morning at 6:30am I felt like a walking zombie... If zombies can still get excited. I wonder round the house trying to get ready and pack everything I think I'll need into my bag while getting anxious about the train I have to get and countless other things I am sure to encounter for the first time on my first day.

I'm far too tired and excited to eat so my usual two cups of coffee sets me on my way and I leave the house to get my train and wonder how many others on my degree course will be travelling from the Blackpool/Preston area.

I have umpteen questions in my head about the course and placement and study resources and expected reading materials and the list goes on. After the 40 minute journey to Bolton (which felt surprising quick) I get the university and head to the building which holds the health classes assuming this is where the funny little T3-010 number is on my timetable only to be told by the receptionist that that is in a building on the other side of the campus. Just my luck. Problem being that when i get to said building climb the 6 flights of stairs to the third floor I find the room has been changed and surprisingly I'm actually in the first building I went to, meaning I narrowly make it to my first session on time.

FIRST IMPORTANT RULE: even when your early and organised, prepare for the worst case.

This session was mainly the class getting to know each other and exchanging silly little facts about themselves so to ease the tension and probably everyone's nerves. Afterwards we were introduced to our personal tutor Maddy and out main lecturers for the semester as well as programme leads ect. The were friendly and welcoming but if I'm honest I didn't really take in all their names. 

Our modules are outlined a little as is our timetable but the main thing I take in and have a bit of a freak out about is the fact I have an anatomy and physiology exam at the beginning of November.. I haven't done any theory based science since my GCSE's which I finished in 2008... (and breathe). Well, pretty sure I need to get organised and fast..

SECOND IMPORTANT RULE: find a simple way to de-stress it'll be needed for the next three years.

I was prepared, at least in theory for the stress and the fact that the course would be full on by some of the lovely nurses I work with, but knowing about it and then actually feeling it were two different things. 

The best way I know how to keep calm and feel prepared is to get prepared, so when I got home I ordered a desk, chair and bookcase so I could have a quiet area to study in the house.. I'd highly recommend this. 

I have to say the come the end of Wednesday I was shocked and a little relieved that induction week was over. I had things to looks forward to this weekend.

Friday was the Spiral Health celebration ball (Spiral Health being the company I work for, which has definitely been the best experience I've had working in the health care sector and coin-dentally the company helping me to achieve my ambition to become a nurse) and I had never felt more in need of a bit of pampering and getting dressed up, a large class of wine and a bit of dancing and great company. 
 THIRD IMPORTANT RULE: Make time to have fun and remind yourself why your doing this!