Tuesday, 17 May 2016

first week of placement on respiratory

So I have completed my first week of my second placement and can honestly say it is pretty different from the first. Although it is a ward environment and still busy having has experience in healthcare work previous to starting my nurse training my first placement was not soo much of a shock to my system.

I spent my first shift with my associate mentor one of the sisters and found her a little intimidating to start with. I went onto the ward at 7 am till half asleep as it has been a while since I had been awake at that time and was shown to the staff room when I could put my bag and coat. everyone I met was friendly enough and I was shown round the ward although that really didn't stop me from walking round in circles most of the time I was there. We went straight into handover and then from there i tried my best to understand what on earth they were talking about as some of the acronyms I had no idea about. I made a list after handover f things I needed to ask about. and I highlighted on the handover sheet important information to me... when observations were due who had a DNAR ect.

 I then paired up with one the of the HCAS and assisted some of the patients with their personal care needs until breakfasts arrived. the morning flew by I was quite amazing at how quickly I found me feet. i assisted/shadowed on the lunchtime medication round which was a it daunting at I didn't get much chance to do this on my last placement. I felt like ill really have to build confidence on this placement as we progressed round the patient she asked me questions about the medications and what they were for and I honestly didn't have a clue it was soo embarrassing.

We haven't done our medications management module yet and I feel like we should have done it in the first term so that when I'm in placement I don't feel soo silly for not knowing theses things.

The student packs they gave me were fantastic, listing common acronyms, medications and conditions, spokes.