Today we did basic life support techniques, and went through how to assess a patient (A-E assessment, SAMPLE, SBAR) and emergency procedures for deteriorating patients and cardiac arrests, apart from almost giving myself a black eye with the mannequins head when practising chest thrusts I'd sat it went well if not slightly embarrassing. Emergency CPR I felt fairly okay with after having training and simulations a few times now I feel like I could be a little bit more useful in that situation even if I'm just calling for help or getting the re-suss trolley.
Tomorrow after we finish I'm going over to the ward I'm on for placement to meet my mentor and have a look around which I'm pretty excited for if I'm honest. Although I can see myself getting lost at Chorley hospital, its a bit or a maze but maybe that's because I haven't worked there before.
Oh and I've been appointed a student quality ambassador and have a welcome event next week in Liverpool. Its all going great at the moment.
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