Tuesday, 17 November 2015

Basic life support skills and moving & handling

So it seems like its been forever since I did a blog post, this month has been a bit non-stop preparing for my anatomy and physiology exam (thank god that's over with). I think it went quite well just purely from the fact I walked out smiling and non planning to move far far away.. I'll find out my results in two or three weeks so we will see.

At the moment we have clinical skills week before starting placement on monday, (little bit nervous). Cinical skills week is kind of like mandatory training and basic skills we will need during out first placement. So far we had moving and handling yesterday which pretty much consisted of safe techniques, and risk assessment techniques for when moving, transferring or rolling a patient. As well as how to use equipment like slide sheets, hoists and pat slides. It's training that I have had before but its always good to have a refreshers specially when different workplaces have different preferences.

Today we did basic life support techniques, and went through how to assess a patient (A-E assessment, SAMPLE, SBAR) and emergency procedures for deteriorating patients and cardiac arrests, apart from almost giving myself a black eye with the mannequins head when practising chest thrusts I'd sat it went well if not slightly embarrassing. Emergency CPR I felt fairly okay with after having training and simulations a few times now I feel like I could be a little bit more useful in that situation even if I'm just calling for help or getting the re-suss trolley.

Tomorrow after we finish I'm going over to the ward I'm on for placement to meet my mentor and have a look around which I'm pretty excited for if I'm honest. Although I can see myself getting lost at Chorley hospital, its a bit or a maze but maybe that's because I haven't worked there before.

Oh and I've been appointed a student quality ambassador and have a welcome event next week in Liverpool. Its all going great at the moment.

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