Monday, 20 June 2016

Multi-tasking taken to the extreme!

Hi everyone,

So as I get further into my nurse training and I'm coming towards the end of my first year and my workload is crazy at the moment, really pushing multi tasking to the extreme. So updating this has kind of gone to one side while I focus on:

1: 1500 word essay for my caring and compassionate foundations skills for nursing practice module (sticking to the word Count is going to be challenging)

2: 2000 word essay on professional practice

3: 20 minute group presentation on an ethical issue relating to nursing

4: medications management exam (and mock next week)

5: medications Osce

This workload is insane!

Most on this only being set 3 weeks ago and due in in the next two weeks. Whilst balancing working and trying to spend time with friends and my fiance.


Oh yeah and I start my third and final placement of the year on the 18th July on the outpatients department. I definitely enjoy placement way more than theory
I'm still loving my training and after a difficult few months I am pretty proud of myself and my fellow student nurses for getting through this year so far.

I've got this last hurdle of assignments and placements to get through and then a week in Crete sipping cocktails and lying on a beach before I start second year.

It's crazy to think another few months and I'll officially be halfway through my training. I'm definitely someone who has to be kept busy that's for sure.

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