Monday, 14 March 2016

Soo busy

I have found it a little difficult to have the time to update this lately been unbelievably busy.
Not too long ago we found out the landlord was having to sell our house and so had the struggle of finding somewhere new. That would all be fine except most landlords we came in to contact with heard student and ran a mile or made assumptions, I can't tell you how frustrating it is trying to explain a secondment to someone that's never heard of it. We are finally sorted now though and moving on good Friday. It's mid- placement which isn't ideal but it's life and also means we will be living on Preston so won't be travelling as much... Hallelujah
Certain parts of my life definitely arent running smoothly at the minute, during my last placement I got news that my grandmother is terminally I'll. They estimated 2 months in October.. And she's still going, determination must run on the family.
Uni, work and placements have been great though. I started doing slightly less shifts at work a few months ago because I was tiring myself out completely. 3 days at uni and then two longdays at work followed by a weekend of housework and assignments was insane and not manageable for me. I now only to one or two short shifts at work maximum. I know some people have to do those kind shifts out of need but for me it wasn't practical and I take my hat off to anyone that manages it.
I've just had clinical skills week and it was great felt like I got loads put of it this time. Blood glucose testing, ANTT (aseptic non  touch technique), neuro obs, plus sessions with critical care, continence and pain management nurses. Than finally medications management and practice osce. My favourite was the session in the simulation suite though and practicing a-e assessments and using sample to help identify what could be causing the 'patient' to deteriorate.
A airway
B breathing
C circulation
D disability
E exposure/environment/ everything else
S signs/symptoms
A allergies
M medication
P past medical history
L last meal/ low temperature?
E events
It's my first day on the ward and I felt like I hit the ground running, nothing complicated just yet though, assisting with medication round getting to know the ward routine, obs. It was a great first day and 8 hours flew by.
I've also been assisting with student quality ambassadors from both Bolton and Uclan to promote the role throughout the hospital so that we may get involved in projects and to give a different perspective.

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